
Game #48: A's 7, Rangers 8

May 25, 2006 | A's @ Texas

Why are we investing our emotions when something like today's game can happen to us?

How could we lose a 7-0 lead?

Why can't Mark Kotsay hit just a little harder?

Why did this have to happen with Huston Street?

The Texas Rangers rejoice at their 8-7 victory over the A's.Did it have to be the Texas Rangers?

What do I do to make the pain go away?

(Game experience: KYCY 1550 AM here and there, now and then.)

A's record: 22-25 | streak: L-6 | well-A-meter: 2


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, there's another game tomorrow...

Thu May 25, 10:58:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the kind of loss that separates the real fans from the casual fans. Casual fans will switch to the channel showing bid whist when the game gets that ugly. The real fans will just suffer.

But the real fans also know that, unless they are fans of the New York Knicks, there's a very real possibility that tomorrow will be better than today. Nowhere does hope spring more eternally than at the ballpark.

What I'm wondering is whether one of the unexpected consequences of the steroid ban is the weakening of bullpens everywhere. Only a couple of years ago, dating precisely to the year before steroid testing began, almost every team could count on their bullpen holding any lead they were handed in the seventh inning or later. Now, it seems to be a nail-biter for nearly every team.

Nobody is checking Jim Mecir's hat size, but I wonder if a whole lot of relief pitchers didn't recuperate faster with a little help from Big Pharma (or Big Balco, as the case may be).

This doesn't apply to young Mr. Street, however, who theoretically never partook of the forbidden fruit.

Fri May 26, 01:50:00 AM PDT  
Blogger wella said...

Interesting theory, Al, but I'd rather assume that bullpens and other baseball players are NOT using steroids until I'm persuaded otherwise. However, I can easily be persuaded with Before and After pictures showing great changes in physique and head size.

Fri May 26, 11:27:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't been posting because (duh!) the team has been losing :-( But I'm not surprised by yesterday's game. A few years ago, I listened to the radio broadcast of a A's vs. Rangers game in which the A's lost 17-16!

Remember, Bill King hated going to this ballpark for a reason ;-)

Fri May 26, 02:01:00 PM PDT  

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